Ternium Expoagro Award: The most innovative developments in agricultural machinery have been selected

Innovation shone in the 9th edition of the Ternium Expoagro Award for Agro-industrial Innovation: Out of the 41 developments presented, 16 stood out for their excellence. The majority of awards were given to those in the seeding category.
The awards ceremony will be held at Expoagro 2025 YPF Agro edition, March 11 to 14, where the future of the agricultural sector will be the leading feature.
The creativity, ingenuity and tireless effort of Argentine companies and entrepreneurs are reflected in every development that seeks to transform and empower the agro-industrial sector. Once again, thanks to the collaboration between Ternium, Expoagro and the German Agricultural Society (DLG), the Ternium Expoagro Award for Agro-industrial Innovation becomes the ideal setting to highlight the most original and innovative solutions, recognizing those who work day by day to build a more efficient, sustainable and competitive agricultural sector.
In the 9th edition, 41 agricultural machinery innovative developments were presented. Originating from the provinces of Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Río Negro and Santa Fe, and the city of Buenos Aires, these projects represent the diversity and creativity under nine outstanding categories. As a result of the effort and commitment of the participants of the award, these projects made their way to the judging stage that was held from November 29 to December 1, with proposals designed to produce more and better, boosting the future of the Argentine agricultural sector.
The three most innovative projects
According to the prestigious jury, the winning developments represent the variety of innovations that provide solutions to production systems.
“This recognition validates years of research”
The multiple fine meter for seeders by Leaf Agrotronics was recognized with the gold medal. In this regard, mechanical engineer Ivan Gorostiza, project manager, explained that this modular and adaptable system optimizes the dosing of fine seeds (including soybeans) and fertilizers, both traditional and micro granulated, offering versatility with interchangeable units, compatibility with seeders of any brand, and efficient operation that minimizes seed damage and improves distribution uniformity.
Regarding the award, Gorostiza highlighted, “This recognition validates years of research, collaborative work and the constant effort to bring innovation to agriculture. The news fills us with enthusiasm and drives us to continue developing technologies that really make a difference in the sector. This award is not only an achievement for Leaf but also a tribute to the innovative spirit that characterizes Argentine agriculture and the trust of our users.”
An impetus to continue developing with innovation and technology
Marinelli Technology, the company from the province of Santa Fe, also obtained the gold medal for the Integral autonomous system that facilitates the automation and robotization of machinery used in agriculture and other activities.
Nicolás Marinelli, President of the company, said, “It is a great satisfaction and motivation for the whole team. It is something that drives us to continue developing and improving processes to contribute to making agricultural production much more efficient, sustainable and enduring over time with innovation and technology.”
“Getting such an important prize shows that we are on the right track”
This was expressed by Daniel Brussa, Director of Engineering at Metalfor. The company from the province of Córdoba was awarded the gold medal for the Autonomous multipurpose vehicle. In this regard, he added, “We have understood that one of the ways to incorporate cutting-edge technology into our production lines comes from projects like VAX that are completely based on a forward-looking vision.”
Nicolás Zar, head of R+D, said, «VAX shows us that, among so many things, there are still great changes to tackle regarding the efficiency of the workday in fieldwork, this is only the beginning of a new way of working.»
As prominent figures within the regional metalworking, “Metalfor has long decided to invest resources in exploring the most innovative paths globally. This important award is not only for Metalfor, it is for the country,” said José Luis Dassie, the company Director.
The jury analysis
Agronomist Adriana Godoy of the National University of Salta made her debut as jury of the award, representing the Argentine Northwest region (NOA). After a comprehensive analysis and technical discussion on the developments presented, she pointed out that “innovations in planting had a prominent presence, including the robotization and automation of machinery, another aspect such as operator safety was also highlighted, and innovations that contribute to post-harvest and industrial design were valued”.

Adriana Godoy
In this regard, she added, “Robotization, automation and the use of artificial intelligence are aspects that have become part of Argentine agricultural machinery. This contributes to the efficiency and quality of the works carried out with machinery in our country and adds to traceability, vertical integration of the production processes and the sustainability of environments».
When asked about which aspects are considered the most relevant for evaluating innovation by the DLG, Thilo Keunecke and Professor Thomas Rademacher of the University of Bingen-Germany, said, “The potential benefit to the customer is the highest priority. The best innovation is useless if it does not benefit the farmer and therefore cannot be sold.”
Another aspect is the engineering achievement that led to the development and then to production. “At the beginning of a development there is always a good idea that is technically feasible. This must be achievable at an acceptable cost. Moreover, work safety should also be considered,” they added.
In addition, Keunecke and Rademacher stressed that an innovation must also save resources, both during production and subsequent use.

De Izq. A Der: Agustín Santillán (Contenidos, Exponenciar), Héctor Huergo, Diego Abdo (Gerente de Comunicación de Exponenciar), Gabriel Tinghitella, Federico Langhi, Alejandro Clerici, Adriana Godoy, Juan Godoy, Andrea Fiadone (Jefa de Contenidos de Exponenciar), Sergio Marinelli, Silvio Zurzolo, Telmo Palancar, Hernan Ferrari, Luis Negruchi, Roberto del Castagner y Marcelo Amado.
The prestigious jury of experts, who provide the quality seal to the Award, was formed by: Gabriel Tinghitella (AACREA); Luis Negruchi (AAPRESID); Adriana Godoy (Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Salta); Héctor Huergo (Clarín Rural); Sergio Marinelli (FACMA); Roberto Del Castagner (Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria de la Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto); Telmo Palancar (Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata); Juan Godoy Valdivieso (Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba); Marcelo Amado (Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires); Alejandro Clérici (Fundación CIDETER), Hernán Ferrari (INTA); Federico Langhi (INVAP); Silvio Zurzolo (UIA); Thilo Keunecke (DLG) y Thomas Rademacher (Universidad de Bingen-Alemania).
And the winners are…
- Gold Medal:
Multiple fine seed meter Category: Planting machines. Company: Leaf Agrotronics (Armstrong, Santa Fe).
Autonomous integral system. Category: Robotics. Company: Marinelli Technology S.A. (Venado Tuerto, Santa Fe).
Multipurpose autonomous vehicle. Category: Robotics. Company: Metalfor S.A. (Marcos Juárez, Córdoba).
- Silver Medal:
Mainero 1045 sunflower header. Category: Harvesting Machines Company: Carlos Mainero y Cía. SAICFI (Bell Ville, Córdoba).
Independent suspension system for seeders. Category: Planting machines. Company: Crucianelli (Armstrong, Santa Fe).
Simplifying mechanism for setting up the seed train. Category: Planting machines. Company: BPB Mediterránea S.A. (Villa María, Córdoba).
- Bronze Medal:
Brewer spent grain dryer. Category: Post-harvest. Company: Industrias Montecor S.R.L. (Monte Buey, Córdoba).
Advanced driver assistance systems. Category: Multifunction. Metalfor S.A. (Marcos Juárez, Córdoba).
Automatic inflation system for seeder hopper cars. Category: Planting machines. Crucianelli (Armstrong, Santa Fe).
- Special mentions in Good Agricultural Practices:
Agricultural drones operations and supply base. Category: Multifunction. Company: Agrix S.A.S. (Marcos Juárez, Córdoba).
Early warning system based on CO2 detection in conventional silos. Category: Post-harvest. Company: Ingeniería Electrónica Argentina (Rosario, Santa Fe).
Hydraulic circuit efficiency Item: Multifunction. Company: Metalfor S.A. (Marcos Juárez, Córdoba).
- Special Mentions in Industrial Design:
Seed Pro planting unit. Category: Planting machines. Company: Agrometal S.A.I. (Monte Maíz, Córdoba).
Sowing and fertilization Air Cart with automatic sectional cutting system. Category: Planting machines. Company: Mario Tanzi S.A. (Arequito, Santa Fe).
Flexible seed impeller fins rotor Category: Planting machines. Company: Mario Alberto Diociaiutti (Casilda, Santa Fe).
- Special mention in energy efficiency:
ASU 1000, variable decompaction kit. Category: Planting machines. Company: Earthworms (Oliva, Córdoba).
The mentions and the Gold, Silver and Bronze medals will be awarded to the corresponding winners during a special ceremony at Expoagro 2025 edition YPF Agro, from March 11 to 14 in San Nicolas, Argentina.